Lung Cancer App



As of 2015, there were more deaths from Lung Cancer than from Prostate, Pancreas, Breast and Colorectoral combined


Only 15 percent of lung cancer cases are screened at an early stage -- 85 percent are not


The five-year survival rate for lung cancer is 52.6 percent for cases detected early or when the disease is still localized

For distant tumors (spread to other organs), late stage, the five-year survival rate is only 3.5 percent

That’s why over half of people with lung cancer die within one year of being diagnosed


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended low-dose CT scans for high risk patients age 55 to 79

NIH funded study recommends older persons with ‘lengthy history of moderate smoking’ undergo annual low-dose CT scans. Out of pocket cost for these screenings is $100 to $350 which is not covered by all insurance companies

Published August 26, 2013 by the Cleveland Clinic

Low-radiation-dose spiral computer tomography (spiral CT). This high-tech scan generates a series of detailed cross-sectional images of the lungs that are used to create a three-dimensional image. These scans can not only identify tumors earlier, but also spot them when the tumors are smaller and more treatable by surgery.

Visit Cleveland Clinic at


Published on Nov 22, 2010 by the American Cancer Society

In this video, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Otis Brawley and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Len Lichtenfeld discuss recent studies that have been published about the effectiveness of lung cancer screening and address the importance of early detection. Screenings would avert 521 deaths per 100,000 smokers but cause 24 deaths per 100,000 smokers as result of radiation exposure and the many “false positives” the scans produce

Learn more about lung cancer screenings at


The Nano Mobile Sensor

Works with multiple devices


  • Non-invasive, no side effects
  • Works with any smartphone, tablet or laptop
  • Self-flushes after each use enabling access to another application or screening of another patient

  • “Just Breathe” – screening will take place with a simple breath exhalation at the Healthcare Provider's office, clinic, hospital or pharmacy
  • Results are automatically shown on the screen and can be evaluated by the Healthcare Provider instantly in real time
  • Once a cancer treatment protocol is started,  the oncologist can monitor patient progress at any time just by having the patient exhale into the Sensor
  • The oncologist can see if the protocol is working or not, and can modify treatment protocols in a real time basis and at very low cost with no risk to the patient from harmful radiation


Business Model Delivers Value to Patients

Higher Survival Rate With Early Screening

Lower Healthcare Cost To Patient

Business Model Delivers Value to Payors and Providers

Health cost driven down for payors

Healthcare Provider achieves better outcomes for Patients at a low cost