Imagine A World

Where one company makes a difference, saving lives, through the earliest detection of deadly diseases and improving traffic safety.

The Nano Mobile Sensor - improving outcomes and reducing costs



To save lives, create efficiency and reduce costs through innovative, mobile screening technologies.

US Healthcare spending has grown faster

DUI Marijuana is dramatically higher than DUI Alcohol


To commercialize lifesaving, mobile breath sensor technologies that enable professionals to more efficiently screen for the earliest signs of disease or the presence of drugs, enabling improved health outcomes, traffic safety and significant cost reduction.

Marijuana Fatalaties Have Doubled In Four Years



NASA Ames Research Center, one of ten NASA field centers, is located in the heart of California's Silicon Valley. For over 75 years, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development. Ames also is a leader in nanotechnology, fundamental space biology, biotechnology, aerospace and thermal protection systems, and human factors research.

The Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) aims to replace the status-quo of one-size-fits-all-medicine with individualized health care that is based on the known genetic factors influencing health and disease and that takes advantage of advances in digital technology for real-time health monitoring.

Under the leadership of Eric J. Topol, M.D., one of the world’s premier cardiologists and physician/scientists, STSI has created major programs in both research and education-training that bridge science with medicine, and academia with industry.

Theranostics (NZ) Ltd provides a specialised service for the delivery of Molecular Diagnostics to clinicians and the public.  A core philosophy of the company is to improve public health through effective screening programmes and improve sustainability in medicine by matching the right treatment to the right individual. We also support a strong Social Responsibility Programme.



Steven R. Steinhubl, Chairman of the Board - Director of Digital Medicine at  Scripps Translational Science Institute and a practicing cardiologist at the integrated Scripps Health System, San Diego

  • 25 years in medicine;  cardiologist; clinical researcher and former pharmaceutical company executive
  • Served as director of cardiovascular wellness and clinician-scientist with Geisinger Health System based in Danville, PA
  • US Air Force staff internist

Joseph C. Peters, President and Board Member - Former White House drug policy office’s acting deputy director for  state and local affairs under presidents Clinton and Bush

  • 25 years of federal, state and local government experience and former Federal Prosecutor
  • Television and radio commentator for numerous major media outlets, providing expert insight on law enforcement investigative and counter  terrorism issues and technologies

Edward Rollins, Board Member -  Senior advisor for Teneo, a global advisory firm that partners exclusively with CEOs and senior leaders of many of the world's largest companies and organizations

  • Served in the administrations and advised four United States  Presidents
  • Advised heads of state and CEO’s of major corporations in foreign countries as well as CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies
  • Office of Political Affairs; White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs  and deputy chief of staff during the Reagan administration

Tony van Bijleveld, Board Member – General manager with drug manufacturer Patheon/DPX, a leading global provider of contract drug development and manufacturing services

  • Previously general manager of Europe for Alliance Boots (100% owned by Walgreens) with responsibility for European operations and logistics